Vehicle Details:
4 airbags - Air on the safe side. Collisions are often unexpected, but you have the peace of mind of extra protection should they occur. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with 4 airbags.
Four wheel Anti-Lock Braking System - A break in the weather. When you need to stop fast, you can't have it depend on the road and/or weather conditions. Four wheel ABS Brakes pump the brakes more quickly than a driver could, so the wheels won't lock up even if you slam on the brakes. That results in significantly reducing stopping distances and improved steering control. Get the stopping power you need with Four Wheel ABS Brakes.
4-wheel disc brakes - covered all the way around. The most basic safety feature of your vehicle is the brakes, and 4-wheel disc brakes have you covered from front to back. Instead of being located on just the front wheels, there are discs on the rear wheels as well, increasing your vehicles ability to slow down quickly without over-heating the braking system. Get stopping power that doesn’t quit with 4-wheel disc brakes.
Airbag occupancy sensor - people smart. Airbag occupancy sensor is a smarter way to protect your passenger. Using a sensor to determine the size and position of the passenger, it will deploy the correct airbags with the right intensity in case of a collision. Airbag occupancy sensor offers better protection to the smaller passengers and more peace of mind for you.
Analog instrumentation display -- A dashboard revolution - Get nostalgic with analog instrumentation display. We love our technology, but there's nothing quite like burying the needle. Wherever you’re going, take tradition with you with analog instrumentation display.
Fully automatic headlamp control - convenience you can see. Forgetting to turn on your lights is an easy mistake to make, but it can be a safety hazard for you and others. Forget all your worries with fully automatic headlamp control. The built-in sensor turns the headlights on or off based the level of ambient light so you don’t have to take your eyes off the road to find the controls. Plus you don't have to worry about accidentally leaving the lights on and draining your battery. Day or night, automatic headlamp control is the right amount of light.
Brake assist - Stop right there. Something jumps out into the middle of the road and you need to stop now! With brake assist, you will. It uses the speed of the brake pedal’s travel to sense panic braking, then applies all available power to boost your stopping power. Brake assist can stop the accident before it is one.
Configurable gauges - Your ride, your view. Configurable gauges allow you to choose the information you want to see, where you want to see it. With a clear view of the information you need from the configurable gauges, you have one less thing on your mind.
Daytime running lights - Brighten your day. Daytime running lights increase your visibility to oncoming traffic and in adverse weather conditions. Because when it comes to safety, being seen makes a big difference. Stand out all the time, with daytime running lights.
Delay-off headlamps - Extra time in the light. You don’t have to stumble around in the dark after you get out, thanks to delay-off headlamps. When the vehicle is turned off the headlamps stay on so you can see where you’re going once you get out. They will then turn off automatically after a pre-set amount of time. When it comes to walking from your car at night, delay-off headlamps are a bright idea.
Driver front impact airbag - Safer on all fronts. Driver front-impact airbag is designed to decrease the risk of serious head, chest and knee injury that can be happen when your body is thrown with force against the steering wheel or dashboard. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with driver front-impact airbag.
Anti-roll control - Don’t get tipsy. While you appreciate the higher viewpoint of your vehicle, the high center of gravity can make it harder to maintain control during fast cornering maneuvers. Anti-roll control senses and corrects possible rollover situations by employing the braking and engine control systems when needed. Keep all four wheels on the ground with anti-roll control.
Fade dome light - Don’t be left in the dark. Fade dome light ensures that when you’re putting your stuff down, or gathering it up, there will be light. It remains on for several seconds after the doors have been shut or the vehicle turned off and then dims, making it easier to handle all the extra stuff you’ve brought along. Fade dome light make your cargo a little lighter.
Fixed convertible roll-over protection - Ready to roll - Just because you drop the top doesn’t mean you’re dropping your safety. In the event of a roll-over, fixed roll bars protect the vehicle’s occupants from impact with the ground. Let the wind blow through your hair without worry, you've got fixed convertible roll-over protection.
Fog lights - Clearly better. When the haze settles in, fog lights are ready to make short work of it. They make driving fog-covered roads less stressful by giving you greater visibility to other drivers, and of what’s ahead. When things get hazy, clear it up with fog lights.
Height adjustable front seatbelts - A better fit where you sit. It turns out, you’re not average height, so the seatbelt likely doesn’t fit you as well as it should. With height adjustable front seatbelts, you can get it exactly right by moving the upper anchor point to the spot that’s best for you. Move it up or down to get higher levels of comfort and safety with height adjustable front seatbelts.
Front seatbelt pretensioners - tighten up. When you stop suddenly front seatbelt pretensioners make sure your body doesn’t keep going. They remove any slack in the seatbelt when you hit the brakes or are involved in a collision so you stay in place. Stay strapped in with front seatbelt pretensioners.
Halogen beam headlamps - light up the night. Halogen beam headlamps have plenty of benefits outside of giving you a clear view of the road ahead. They use heated tungsten filaments to produce light, meaning you have low replacement costs. See the light with these halogen beam headlamps.
This safety feature is more easily visible to following drivers and helps them react quicker to a slowing or stopped vehicle.
Hill descent control - Give your brakes a break. When you’re off-roading down a steep grade, you want to worry about navigating the obstacles, not riding the brakes. Hill descent control automatically maintains a safe speed so you can concentrate on what your hands are doing with the wheel rather than what your foot is doing with the brake. When it’s going down, hill descent control makes sure you’re prepared.
Hill hold control - Don’t go back. You know the feeling - you're stopped on a hill and you’re worried about your vehicle rolling backwards when you release the brakes. This is even more worrisome when you’re towing. With hill hold control, the vehicle automatically applies brake force to prevent itself from rolling back. So whether you’re towing a heavy load or simply stopped on a steep incline, hill hold control keeps you on the up and up.
Illuminated entry - see what you’re getting into. Take away any potential surprises with illuminated entry. It lights the interior before you open the door, and stays on for a period of time after the door is closed making it easier to get in after dark, and to see if anyone might be lurking inside. Get added safety and convenience from illuminated entry.
Manual rear child safety door locks - Keep it all inside. Manual rear child safety locks help prevent a kid’s fidgets from becoming a big problem. Because if kids can touch it, they want to play with it, and that includes door handles and locks. When enabled, the safety locks stop the doors from being opened from the inside. Manual rear child safety door locks replace mistakes with peace of mind.
Rear camera - Watching your back! The rear camera helps you see obstacles and hazards you otherwise couldn't by showing enhanced images of what is behind you. The rear camera is an extra set of eyes that's both convenient and safe.
The combination of seatbelt and airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury occupants may sustain in the event of a crash, compared to a vehicle without airbags.
The additional chest coverage provides upper body support during a collision.
Aero-composite headlamps - Light up the night. These durable composite headlamps use internal multi-reflectors rather than the lens to produce excellent lighting while also blending in with the aerodynamics and style of the vehicle. Plus, if a headlamp burns out you can replace just the bulb rather than the whole fixture. Aero-composite headlamps are designed to shine.
Panic alarm. Don't stand so close to me. Whether you're attempting to chase off unwanted people around your vehicle or around you, panic alarm can help. Using the button on the keyfob activates the vehicle's horn or siren to draw attention to the vehicle, and the last thing criminals want is attention. Panic alarm ensures you won’t go quietly.
Seat mounted driver side impact airbag - Air on the safe side. With seat mounted driver side impact airbag, your vehicle has added protection in case of a side-impact collision. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with seat mounted driver side impact airbag.
Seat mounted passenger side impact airbag - Air on the safe side. With seat mounted passenger side impact airbag, your vehicle has added protection in case of a side-impact collision. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with seat mounted passenger side impact airbag.
Security system - Burglar Beware! Discourage vehicle theft and vandalism with a security system. It has the means to anticipate and or/detect unwanted vehicle intrusion. Get added piece of mind your ride is protected no matter where it is, with a security system.
Ignition immobilizer - Theft is a non-starter. You can feel more secure about your vehicle being there when you come back. Ignition immobilizer is a passive security system consisting of a transmitter in the ignition key and a sensor located in the vehicle. If both are not present or do not recognize each other, the vehicle will not start. Ignition immobilizer a sure-fire way to prevent the theft of your vehicle.
Tire specific low air pressure warning - A heads up when you’re down. Consider tire specific low air pressure warning a performance feature. A low tire can negatively effect gas mileage and the safety of your vehicle, as well as cause costly damage to your rims. When a tire is running low, a warning light appears so you know which specific wheel it is and can attend to the problem. Get the most performance from your tires thanks to tire specific low air pressure warning.